
Kematian Sahabat Nabi yang Satu Ini Mengguncang Arasy dan Ruhnya Disambut 70.000 Malaikat

Kematian teman nabi yang satu ini mengguncang arasy dan juga ruhnya disambut   70. 000 malaikat

Salah satu teman, diantara deretan orang – orang tersadu disekitar nabi, dialah saad bin muadz r. a, kalangan anshar yang masuk islam umur 31 tahun dan juga syahid di umur 37 tahun.
dia menemukan tempat yang istimewa. kematiannya mengguncang arasy, ruhnya disambut 70. 000 malaikat, jenazahnya dibawa dan juga diantar puluhan ribu malaikat, sampai para teman mengatakan:
“tidak terdapat jenazah yang lebih ringan daripada jenazah saad, sementara itu ia merupakan berpostur besar, gendut, dan juga kekar” (sirah ibnu hisyam)
apa istimewanya saad? salah satu yang banyak dilukiskan sejarawan merupakan keberanian dan juga pembelaannya terhadap islam, keberaniannya yang tiada tanding, dan juga jiwa ksatrianya yang unggul.
kala perang badar datang. nyali kalangan muslimin diuji. bukan aja mengalami kekokohan quraisy yang tidak berimbang, tetapi tekanan psikologis yang mendera menguji keimanan dan juga keberanian.
rasulullah saw. mengumpulkan sahabat – sahabatnya dari kalangan muhajirin dan juga anshar buat bermusyawarah dengan mereka tentang urusan perang badar.
rasulullah mengatakan:
“kemukakanlah buah fikiran kamu, wahai sahabat…! ”
hingga, bangkitlah sa’adz bin mu’adz dan juga mengatakan,
“wahai rasulullah, kami telah beriman kepada kamu, kami yakin dan juga mengakui kalau apa yang kamu membawa itu merupakan perihal yang benar, dan juga telah kami bagikan pula ikrar dan juga janji – janji kami. hingga, laksanakahlah terus ya rasulullah apa yang engkau mau, dan juga kami hendak senantiasa bersamamu. dan juga, demi allah yang telah mengutusmu bawa kebenaran, seandainya engkau mengadapkan kami ke lautan ini, kemudian engkau menceburkan diri ke dalamnya, pastilah kami hendak turut mencebur, tidak seseorang juga yang hendak mundur dan juga kami tidak keberatan buat mengalami musuh besok pagi! begitu kami sabar dalam pertempuran dan juga teguh mengalami perjuangan. dan juga, mudah – mudahan allah hendak memperlihatkan kepadamu aksi kami yang mengasyikkan hati. hingga, marilah kita berangkat dengan berkah allah taala. ”
mendengar perkataan sa’adz yang mengharukan itu, rasulullah saw bangga dan juga gembira, kemudian mengatakan kepada kalangan muslimin,
“marilah kita berangkat dan juga besarkan hati kamu karna allah telah menjanjikan kepadaku salah satu di antara 2 kalangan! demi allah, begitu seolah – olah nampak olehku kehancuran orang – orang itu (quraisy) ”
teman, pertanyaannya, dimanakah posisi kita dalam menampilkan keberanian membela agama allah, menyuarakan kebenaran, dan juga berani mengambil risiko? wahai saad. engkaulah salah satu penghulu kalangan anshar, tauladan kami.
mudah – mudahan kami dapat menjajaki langkahmu. aamiin..

10 Teman rasulullah yang dipastikan masuk surga dan juga didampingi oleh para nabi disurga, beserta profil dan juga biografi kesepuluh teman hingga pada putera – puteri generasi mereka pada masa berdirinya ajaran islam

10 Teman nabi yang masuk surga
dari abi dzar ra. mengatakan kalau rasulullah saw masuk ke rumah aisyah ra. dan juga dia bersabda, “wahai aisyah, maukah kalian kuberikan laporan gembira? ayahmu (abu bakar ash – shiddiq ra. ) di surga, temannya merupakan nabi ibrahim as. umar di surga dan juga temannya merupakan nabi nuh as. , utsman di surga dan juga saya temannya. ali di surga dan juga temannya merupakan yahya bin zakaria. thalhah di surga dan juga temannya nabi daud as. az – zubair di surga dan juga temannya nabi ismail as. sa’d bin abi waqqash di surga dan juga temannya nabi sulaiman bin daud. said bin zaid di surga dan juga temannya musa bin imran. abdurrahman bin auf di surga dan juga temannya isa bin maryam. abu ubaidah bin al – jarrah di surga dan juga temannya idris as. wahai aisyah, saya junjungan para nabi, ayahmu shiddiqin yang amat utama dan juga kalian merupakan ummul mukminin. ”
dalam riwayat hadist yang lain :
dari said bin zaid ra. mengatakan kalau rasulullah saw bersabda, ”10 orang tentu masuk surga. abu bakar di surga, umar di surga, utsman di surga, ali di surga, az – zubair, thalhah, abdurrahman bin ‘auf, abu ‘ubaidah ibnul jarrah, sa’d bin abi waqqash. ” (said bin zaid) terdiam dan juga karna rasulullah tidak mengatakan yang ke – 10. kala said bin zaid menanyakan siapakah yang ke – 10, dia menanggapi kalau orang itu merupakan pribadinya ( said bin zaid ) seorang diri. ” (hr at – tirmizy)
dalam riwayat hadist yang lain :
dari abduurahman bin ‘auf ra. mengatakan kalau nabi shallallahu alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “abu bakar di surga, umar di surga, utsman di surga, ali di surga, thalhah di surga, az – zubair di surga, abdurrahman bin ‘auf di surga, sa’d bin abi waqqash di surga, said bin zaid bin ‘amru bin nufail di surga, dan juga abu ‘ubaidah ibnul jarrah di surga. ” (hr at – tirmizy dan juga al – baghawi dalam al – mashabih fil hisan)
1. abu bakar as siddiq ra
nama aslinya merupakan abdullah bin abi quhafah.
– ayahnya, abu quhafah yang nama aslinya merupakan usman bin amir bin amr bin ka’b bin sa’d bin taim bin murrah bin ka’b bin lu’ai bin ghalib
attaimiy Al qurosy berjumpa silisilah/ generasi dengan rasulullah saw di murrah bin ka’b.
– ibu abu bakar merupakan ummul khair salma binti shokhr bin amir bin ka’b bin sa’d bin taim bin murrah
– usia dia 63 tahun, sama serupa rasulullah saw. ia tercantum orang yang kesatu masuk islam. manusia tersadu sehabis rasulullah saw. mengemban kekhilafahan sepanjang 2, 5 tahun. riwayat – riwayat lain mengatakan 2 tahun 4 bulan kurang 1 hari; 2 tahun; 20 bulan
– putera – puterinyanya
a . abdullah, dini masuk islam sampai – sampai tercantum teman. diasaat rasulullah saw dan juga abu bakar bersembunyi di dalam goa menjauhi kejaran kafir quraisy, dia sempat masuk goa itu pula. ia terserang anak panah di thaif, wafat di dikala bapaknya mengemban khilafah.
b. asma’, owner 2 ikat pinggang. istri zubeir bin awwam. hijrah ke madinah di dikala memiliki abdulllah bin zubeir. sampai – sampai abdullah menggambarkan orang islam kesatu yang lahir sehabis hijrah. bunda asma’ merupakan qutailah binti abdul uzza berasal dari bani luay wafat dalam kondisi kafir.
c dan juga d. aisyah binti as – siddiq, istri nabi
dia mempunyai kerabat seayah dan juga seibu ialah abdurrahman bin abu bakar, yang berposisi di barisan kalangan musyrikin pada perang badar, tetapi sehabis itu dia masuk islam. bunda aisyah merupakan ummu ruman binti amir bin uaimir bin abdu syams bin attab bin udzinah bin subai’ bin duhman bin Al harits. masuk islam, dan juga turut hijrah ke madinah dan juga meninggal di era rasulullah saw
cucu abu bakar: abu atik muhammad bin abdurrahman lahir di era rasulullah saw, tercantum teman. sampai – sampai kami tidak ketahui keluarga lain (tidak hanya abu bakar) yang dengan 4 generasi, seluruhnya terkategori teman (bapak abu bakar – abu bakar – abdurrahman – abu atik)
e. muhammad bin abu bakar. lahir pada era haji wada’. wafat di mesir dan juga dikuburkan disitu. ibunya merupakan asma’ binti umais Al khots’amiyyah.
f. ummu kultsum binti abu bakar. lahir sehabis abu bakar meninggal. ibunya merupakan habibah, riwayat lain mengatakan fakhitah binti kharijah bin zaid bin abu zuhair Al anshari. dia dinikahi thalhah bin ubaidillah
keenam putera – puteri abu bakar merupakan teman nabi, kecuali ummu kultsum. sedangkan muhammad lahir masih era nabi. abu bakar meninggal pada bertepatan pada 27 jumadil akhir 13h.
2. abu hafs umar bin khatab ra
– umar bin khattab bin nufail bin abdil uzza bin riyah bin abdullah bin qurth bin razakh bin adiyy bin ka’b bin lu’ai bin ghalib. berjumpa silisilah/ generasi dengan rasulullah saw di murrah bin ka’b.
– ibunya merupakan khantamah binti hasyim. riwayat lain mengatakan binti
hisyam bin Al mughirah bin abdullah bin umar bin makhzum.
– umar masuk islam di mekah, dan juga menjajaki segala peperangan berbarengan rasulullah saw
– putera – puteri umar
1. abu abdurrahman abdullah
masuk islam pada dini datangnya islam. berhijrah berbarengan bapaknya. dan juga ia tercantum teman opsi.
2. hafshah, istri nabi saw
bunda hafshah merupakan zaenab binti math’un
3. ashim bin umar
lahir pada era rasulullah saw. ibunya merupakan ummu ashim jamilah binti tsabit bin abi Al aqlah
4dan5. zaid Al akbar bin umar, dan juga ruqayyah gadis ummu kultsum binti ali
bin abi thalib.
6. zaid Al ashghar dan juga abdullah, keduanya putera ummu kultsum binti
jarwal Al khuzza’i
7dan8. abdurrahman Al akbar bin umar dan juga abdurrahman Al ausath, abu syahmah yang didera akibat minum khomr. ibunya merupakan ummu walad yang pula diucap lahyah.
9. abdurrahman Al ashghar bin umar. ibunya merupakan ummu walad yang pula diucap fakihah.
10. iyadh bin umar. ibunya merupakan atikah binti zaid bin amr bin nufail.
11. abdullah Al ashghar bin umar. ibunya merupakan saidah binti rafi’ al
anshariyyah. dari bani amr bin auf
12. fathimah binti umar. ibunya merupakan ummul hakim binti harits bin
13. ummul walid binti umar. namun kebenaran masih butuh diteliti lagi.
14. zaenab binti umar. kerabat abdurrahman Al ashghar bin umar.
– umar mengemban kekhalifahan sepanjang 10 tahun 6, 5 bulan. terbunuh pada akhir dzulhijjah 23 hijriyah, pada umur 63 tahun setimpal dengan umur rasulullah saw. hendak namun terdapat perselisihan komentar tentang umur dia ini.
3. abu abdullah ustman bin affan ra
dia merupakan cucu dari abu Al ash bin umayyah bin abdu syams bin abdu manaf. nasab keturunannya berjumpa dengan rasulullah saw di abdu manaf, yang menggambarkan kakek ke 5.
nam ibunya merupakan arwa binti kuraiz bin rabiah bin habib bin abdi syams bin abdu manaf. sedangkan ibnya merupakan gadis ummul hakim Al baidha’ binti abdul muthalib.
utsman masuk islam pada dini datangnya islam di mekah. melaksanakan hijrah 2 kali (habasayah dan juga medinah). menikahi 2 puteri rasulullah saw. mengemban kekhilafahan sepanjang 12 tahun kurang 10 hari. terdapat riwayat mengatakan kurang12 hari. terbunuh pada 18 dzul hijjah tahun ke – 35
hijriah ba’da ashar. dikala itu dia lagi puasa. dia wafat pada umur 82 tahun.
putera – puteri dia:
1. abdullah Al akbar, dilahirkan oleh ruqayyah, puteri rasulullah saw.
wafat dunia pada umur 6 tahun. rasulullah saw turut masuk liang lahat dikala penguburannya.
abdullah Al ashghar, dilahirkan oleh fakhitah binti ‘azwan, saudari
dan juga 6. umar, khalid, aban dan juga maryam. mereka dilahirkan oleh ummu amr binti jundab bin amr bin humamah dari kabilah azd wilayah daus
dan juga .Al walid, said dan juga ummu amr. mereka dilahirkan oleh fatimah binti walid bin abdu syams bin mughirah bin abdullah bin umar bin makhzum.
abdul malik. ia tidak memiliki generasi. wafat dunia tatkala telah berusia. ia dilahirkan oleh ummul banin binti uyainah bin hisn bin hudzaifah bin zaid
aisyah, ummu aban dan juga ummu amr. mereka dilahirkan oleh
ramlah binti syaibah bin rabiah
ummu khalid, arwa dan juga ummu aban as sughra. mereka dilahirkan oleh nailah binti farafishah bin ahwas bin amr bin tsa’labah bin harits bin hisn bin dhamdham bin adyy bin janab bin kalb bin wabrah
abu Al hasan ali bin abi thalib ra
ia merupakan cucu abdul mutthalib, sepupu rasulullah saw.
ia dilahirkan oleh fatimah binti asad bin hasyim bin abdi manaf. fatimah merupakan perempuan bani hasyim kesatu yang melahirkan generasi dari bani hasyim. masuk islam di mekah kemudian hijrah ke madinah dan juga meninggal pada era rasulullah saw.
ali bin abi thalib menikah dengan fatimah puteri rasulullah saw. setelah itu lahirlah hasan, husein dan juga muhassin dari pernihan ini. namun muhassin meninggal tatkala masih kecil.
– putera – puteri yang lain
muhammad bin hanafiah. dia dilahirkan oleh khaulah binti ja’far, dari
bani hanifah.
umar bin ali dan juga saudirnya ruqayyah Al kubro
Al abbas Al akbar bin ali, diucap pula assaqa. dia terbunuh berbarengan husein
usman, ja’far, abdullah dan juga banu ali. mereka kerabat seayah dan juga seibu Al abbas Al akbar. ada juga bunda mereka merupakan ummul banin Al kilabiyah.
ubaidullah dan juga abu bakar. mereka tidak memiliki generasi. mereka dilahirkan oleh laila binti mas’ud annahsyaliyyah
yahya bin ali. wafat dikala masih kecil. lahir dari asma’ binti umais
muhammad bin ali alashghar ibumya merupakan seseorang budak yang bernama daraj.
ummul hasan dan juga ramlah. mereka dilahikan ummu sa’d binti
urwah bin mas’ud ats tsaqofi.
zaenab as sughra, ummu kultsum as sughra, ruqayyah as sughra, ummu hani’, ummul kiram, umu ja’far (nama aslinya jumanah) , ummu salamah, maimunah, khadijah, fatimah, dan juga umamah. mereka ini dilahirkan dari para bunda yang berbeda – beda.
ali mengemban kekhilafahan sepanjang 4 tahun 7 bulan lebih sebagian hari. terdapat sebagian komentar berubah menimpa hari. dia mati terbunuh dikala umurnya 63 tahun. terdapat sebagian riwayat lain mengatakan 53tahun, 58 tahun, 57 tahun. pada dikala itu diucap tahun jama’ah, tahun 40 h.
5. abu muhammad thalhah bin ubaidillah ra
dia cucu usman bin amr bin ka’b bin sa’d bin taim bin murrah bin ka’b bin luayy bin ghalib. berjumpa silisilah / generasi dengan rasulullah saw di murrah bin ka’b.
– ibu thalhah
merupakan sha’bah binti khadrami, saudari Al ala’ bin khadrami. nama asli Al khadrami merupakan abdullah bin abbad bin akbar bin auf bin malik bin uwaif bin khazraj bin iyadh bin sidq. ibunya masuk islam dan juga meninggal dalam islam.
thalhah masuk islam pada dini datangnya islam di mekah. ikut dan dalam perang uhud dan juga peperangan setelahnya. ia tidak ikut dalam perang badar karna dikala itu dia di syam buat berdagang. namun rasulullah saw memberikannya harta rampasan perang badar dan juga menetapkannya bagaikan pakar badar.
– diantara putera – puterinya:
muhammad assajjad, dan juga imran
muhammad assajjad terbunuh berbarengan bapaknya. kedua putera tersebut dilahirkan hamnah binti jahsy
musa bin thalhah. dilahirkan khaulah binti qo’qo’ bin ma’bad bin
ya; kub, ismail, ishaq. mereka dilahirkan ummu aban binti utbah bin
zakaria dan juga aisyah. dilahirkan ummu kultsum binti abu bakar as
shiddik ra
9. ummu ishaq binti thalhah. dilahirkan ummul haris binti qasamah bin
handzalah at thaiyyah.
segala putera puteri thalhah 11 orang. 2 anak yamg lain terdapat riwayat yang mengatakan usman dan juga shalih, tetapi riwayat kurang kokoh. thalhah terbunuh pada perang jamal pada tahun 36 h. dikala itu dia berusia
62 tahun.
6. abu ubaidillah zubair bin awwam ra
dia cucu khuwailid bin asad bin abdul uzza bin qushayy bin kilab. nasab keturunannya berjumpa dengan rasulullah saw di qushayy bin kilab, yang menggambarkan kakek ke 5.
– ibunya:
shafiyyah binti abdul mutthalib, bibi rasulullah saw. masuk islam dan
hijrah ke madinah.
zubeir berhijrah 2 kali (habasayah dan juga medinah). dan juga dia shalat 2 kiblat (saat sebelum dirubah menghadap ka’bah, dulu kalangan muslimin shalat menghadap masjidil aqsa). dia merupakan orang yang kesatu kali menghunus pedangnya di perang fi sabilillah. dia diucap hawaryy rasulullah saw.
– diantara putera – puterinya:
. abdulllah, dia menggambarkan orang islam kesatu yang lahir sehabis hijrah.
Al mundzir, urwah, ashim, Al muhajir, khadijah Al kubro, ummul hasan, aisyah. kedelapan anak tersebut dilahirkan asma’ binti abu bakar ra.
khalid, amr, habibah, saudah, hindun. mereka dilahirkan ummu khalid binti khalid bin said bin Al ash.
mush’ab, hamzah, ramlah. mereka dilahirkan rabbab binti unaif Al kalbiyyah.
ubaidah, ja’far, hafshah mereka dilahirkan zaenab binti bisyr dari bani qais bin tsa’labah.
zaenab binti zubair. dia dilahirkan ummu kultsum binti uqbah bin abi mu’aith
khadijah asshughra. dia dilahirkan aljalal binti qais dari bani asad bin
segala putera puteri zubeir 21 orang.
dia terbunuh pada perang jamal pada tahun 36 h. dikala itu dia berumur 67 tahun. riwayat lain 66 tahun.
7. sa’ad bin abi waqas ra
nama abi waqas merupakan malik bin uhaib bin abdi manaf bin zuhrah bin kilab. berjumpa silisilah/ generasi dengan rasulullah saw di kilab bin murrah.
– ibunya: hamnah binti sufyan bin umayyah bin abdu syams bin abdi
sa’ad masuk islam pada dini datangnya islam di mekah. dia mengatakan:
“saya merupakan orang ketiga yang masuk islam“
ikut dan dalam perang badar dan juga segala peperangan setelahnya berbarengan rasulullah saw. dia merupakan orang yang kesatu kali melontarkan anak panahnya di perang fi sabilillah. ada juga lontaran anak panahnya ditunjukan pada suatu pasukan yang di dalamnya ada abu sofyan. pertemuan 2 pasukan itu terjalin dekat rabigh di dini tahun kesatu rasulullah saw tiba di madinah.
– diantara putera – puterinya:
1. muhammad, dia dibunuh Al hajjaj
2. umar, dibunuh Al muhtar bin abi ubaid
3, 4 amir da mus’ab. mereka berdua meriwayatkan hadis
5, 6, 7. umair, shalih, aisyah mereka bani sa’d
meninggal di istananya di aqiq, yang jaraknya 10 mil dari madinah. kemudian jenazahnya dipikul ke madinah. itu terjalin tahun 55 h. dikala itu dia berusia
70 tahun lebih. dia menggambarkan orang yang terakhir wafat diantara 10 orang yang menemukan laporan gembira masuk surga.
8. abu Al ‘awar said bin zaid bin amr ra
dia cucu nufail bin abdul uzza bin riyah bin abdullah bin qurt bin razah bin adyy bin ka’b bin luayy bin ghalib. berjumpa silisilah/ generasi dengan rasulullah saw di ka’b bin luayy.
ibunya: fatimah binti ba’jah bin umayyah bin khuwailid, dari bani mulaih dari khuzaah.
said bin zaid merupakan sepupu umar bin khatthab ra, dan juga menikah dengan kerabat umar, ummu jamil binti khattab.
dia masuk islam pada dini datangnya islam di mekah. tetapi dia tidak ikut dalam perang badar.
diantara puteranya merupakan abdullah, seseorang penyair.
zubeir bin bakkar mengatakan: said anaknya sedikit, dan juga diantar mereka tinggal di luar madinah.
said wafat tahun 51 h. dikala itu dia tengah berumur lebih dari 70 tahun
9. abu muhammad abdurrahman bin auf bin abdi auf ra
dia cucu ibnu abd bin Al haris bin zuhrah bin kilab. berjumpa silisilahnya dengan rasulullah saw di kilab bin murrah.
ibunya bernama as syifa’. riwayat lain mengatakan al’anqa’binti auf bin
abdul harits bin zuhrah. dia masuk islam dan juga hijrah
abdurrahman bin auf masuk islam pada dini datangnya islam di mekah. ikut dan dalam perang badar dan juga segala peperangan setelahnya berbarengan rasulullah saw. dalam riwayat sahih disebutkan kalau rasulullah saw sempat jadi makmum shalat padanya dikala perang tabuk.
– diantara putera – puterinya:
a. salim Al akbar, wafat saat sebelum datangnya islam b. ummul qasim, lahir pada era jahiliyah
c. muhammad, lahir sehabis datangnya islam. dengan nama ini abdurrahman dijuluki (abu muhammad)
d, e, f. ibrahim, humaid dan juga ismail. mereka dilahirkan ummu kultsum binti uqbah bin abi mua’ith bin abi amr bin umayyah bin abdu syams bin abdi manaf
ummu kultsum tercantum perempuan yang hijrah dan juga salah seseorang yang telah baiat pada rasulullah saw. dan juga segala putera abdurrahman yang lahir darinya, jadi perawi hadis.
urwah bin abdurrahman, terbunuh di afrika. dia dilahirkan nuhairah binti hani’ bin qabishah bin mas’ud bin sya’ban
halim Al asghar, terbunuh di afrika. dia dilahirkan sahlah binti suhail bin amr. dia kerabat seibu muhammad bin abu hudhaifah bin utbah abdullah Al akbar, terbunuh di afrika. ibunya dari bani abdil ashal. abu bakar bin abdurrahman dan juga abu salamah Al fakih, dia abdullah Al ashghar. ibunya merupakan tumadhir binti Al ashbagh alkalbiyyah. dia perempuan dari bani kalbiy kesatu yang dinikahi lelaki quraisy. abdurrahman bin abdurrahman dan juga mus’ab bin abdurrahman. mush’ab sempat jadi tawanan polisi marwan bin hakam di madinah.
abdurrahman wafat di madinah, dan juga dimakamkan di baqi’ tahun 32 h dikala kekhalifahan usman bin affan. usman turut menyolati jenazahnya. dia meninggal pada umur 72 tahun.
10. abu ubaidah amir bin abdullah bin Al jarrah ra
dia cucu hilal bin uhaib bin dhabbah bin Al harrits bin fihr bin malik. dilahirkan ummu ghanm binti jabir bin abdul uzza bin amir bin umairah bin wadi’ah bin Al harits bin fihr. dalam riwayat lain: umaimah binti ghanm bin jabir bin abdul uzza. berjumpa silisilah/ generasi dengan rasulullah saw di fihr bin malik.
abu ubaidah masuk islam pada dini datangnya islam di mekah, saat sebelum rasulullah saw masuk darul arqam. ikut dan dalam perang badar dan juga sebagian peperangan setelahnya berbarengan rasulullah saw. pada dikala perang uhud, dia mencabut 2 gelang (dari rajutan pakaian besi) yang menancap di muka rasulullah saw dengan gigi depannya. dampaknya, tanggallah 2 giginya
– keturunan abu ubaidah ra:
cuma 2 putera, ialah yazid dan juga umar. tetapi mereka wafat, dan juga tidak ada lagi penerus generasi abu ubaidah.
– wafatnya:
– abu ubaidah ra meninggal karna wabah penyakit tha’un amwas pada tahun 18 h. dia dimakamkan di ghour baisan di desa amta’. dikala itu umurnya 58 tahun. muadz bin jabal ra turut menshalati jenazahnya. terdapat riwayat lain mengatakan amr bin a’sh juga turut.
pada dikala perang badar abu ubaidah menewaskan bapaknya yang dikala itu masih kafir. karna kejadian ini allah merendahkan ayat:
kalian tidak hendak mengalami kalangan yang beriman pada allah dan juga hari akhirat, silih berkasih – sayang dengan orang – orang yang menentang allah dan juga rasul – nya, sekalipun orang – orang itu bapak – bapak, ataupun anak – anak ataupun saudara – saudara maupun keluarga mereka. meraka seperti itu orang – orang yang telah menanamkan keimanan dalam hati mereka dan juga memantapkan mereka dengan pertolongan yang tiba daripada – nya. dan juga dimasukan – nya mereka ke dalam surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai – sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya. allah ridha terhadap mereka, dan juga merekapun terasa puas terhadap (limpahan rahmat) – nya. mereka seperti itu kalangan allah. ketahuilah, kalau sebetulnya hizbullah itu merupakan kalangan yang beruntung.

Umamah binti abu al – ash, cucu wanita rasulullah

Umamah binti abu al – ash menggambarkan salah seseorang cucu kesayangan nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. dia sempat menggendongnya tatkala shalat. sampai – sampai kita juga ketahui tata trik shalat sembari menggendong balita. berikut ini cerita pendek tentang keluarga nabi ini.
umamah menggambarkan gadis dari abu al – ash bin ar – rabi’ bin abdu al – uzza bin abdu asy – syams bin abdu manaf bin qushay. ibunya merupakan zainab gadis rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. umamah merupakan cucu kesatu rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. sampai – sampai normal dia diucap bagaikan kesayangan nabi. sebagaimana lazimnya seseorang kakek memperoleh cucu kesatu.
dari sisi nasab, tentulah umamah mempunyai nasab tersadu. dia terlahir dari keluarga tersadu. kakeknya manusia amat mulia. dan juga neneknya, ummul mukminin khadijah radhiallahu ‘anha, pula menggambarkan perempuan tersadu di dunia dan juga akhirat. dan juga ibunya merupakan gadis tertua nabi.
sedangkan bapaknya, abu al – ash, merupakan seseorang pria mekah yang diketahui mempunyai akhlak mulia. dia pula digelari al – amin (yang jujur dan juga terpercaya) oleh penduduk mekah. seseorang orang dagang yang jujur. menunaikan hak – hak teman . dia amat menyimpan hormat dan juga cinta kepada mertuanya, rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. teruji dengan seringnya dia berkunjung ke rumah bapak mertuanya itu karna menyimpan hormat pada dia. rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memujinya di depan para teman:
حَدَّثَنِي فَصَدَقَنِي، وَوَعَدَنِي فَأَوْفَى لِي …
“ia mengatakan padaku dengan jujur. dan juga penuhi janjinya padaku…” (muttafaqun ‘alaih: al – bukhari nomor. 2943 dan juga muslim nomor. 2449).
peran umamah di hati rasulullah
umamah merupakan cucu kesayangan rasulullah. dia shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam sempat shalat sembari menggendong umamah binti abu al – ash di bahu dia. apabila rukuk, dia letakkan. dikala berdiri, dia gendong berulang (ath – thabaqat al – kubra cet. al – ‘alamiyah 8/23).
diriwayatkan dari ummul mukminin aisyah radhiallahu ‘anha bahwasanya rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam sempat dikasih suatu kalung oleh seseorang wanita. belau bersabda,
لَأَدْفَعَنَّهَا إِلَى أَحَبِّ أَهْلِي إِلَيَّ
“aku hendak membagikan hadiah ini kepada keluargaku yang amat saya cintai. ”
aisyah berangkat bersamanya. setelah itu rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memanggil umamah gadis zainab, dan juga mengelungkan hadiah itu di lehernya (al – isti’ab fi ma’rifati al – ash – hab 4/1789. riwayat ahmad dalam musnadnya 6/101. syaikh syu’aib al – arnauth mengomentari: sanadnya dhaif).
dari ummul mukminin aisyah radhiallahu ‘anha, dia menceritakan kalau an – najasyi berikan hadiah kepada rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam perhiasan. di antara perhiasan tersebut merupakan suatu cincin emas. dia ambil cincin itu dan juga mengirimkannya kepada putrinya zainab. dia mengatakan,
تَحَلِّي بِهَذَا يَا بُنَيَّةُ”
“berhiaslah dengan ini wahai cucuku. ” (ath – thabaqat al – kubra cet. al – ‘alamiyah 8/186. sunan abu dawud nomor. 4235, 2/493, dihasankan oleh al – albani).
umamah juga mengunakannya. dan juga menikmati kasih sayang, atensi, dan juga kelembutan kakeknya.
perkawinan umamah
fatimah binti rasulullah radhiallahu ‘anha – bibi umamah – berwasiat supaya ali bin abu thalib menikahi umamah sepeninggal dia. sehabis fatimah meninggal, ali juga menikai umamah. sepeninggal ali, umamah dinikahi az – zubair bin al – awwam setelah itu al – mughirah bin naufal radhiallahu ‘anhuma.
dia tidak mempunyai generasi dari pernikahannya. sampai – sampai zainab gadis rasulullah tidak mempunyai cucu (al – isti’ab fi ma’rifati al – ash – hab 4/1789).
umamah binti abu al – ash radhiallahu ‘anhwa meninggal tatkala berstatus bagaikan istri al – mughirah bin naufal bin al – harits radhiallahu ‘anhu. dan juga referensi – referensi sejarah tidak mengatakan detil tentang wafatnya.

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kisahmuslim .com

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Top 10 Hotels in Las Vegas 1. Aria Resort and Casino Are you the type that loves to be on the cutting edge of technology at all times? If so, the Aria Resort and Casino is a hotel situated right on the strip that's main focus is just that. All the rooms are filled with the latest advancements in technology and so environmentally friendly still that even the U.S. Green Building Council has recognized them. This resort features 4,004 guest rooms where when guests enter they are greeted by their names electronically. You can turn of the lights by simply saying, "Good Night" or turn on the "Do Not Disturb" sign by simply closing the curtains. Plus, the room allows you to customize the lighting, room temperature, and music - transforming your room into your customized getaway. Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows fill the room with natural light and provide spectacular views of the Las Vegas Strip and surrounding mountains. Even more, this hotel boasts several dining options, a two-level spa with 62 treatment rooms and three pools, Haze Nightclub and a resident Cirque du Soleil production dedicated to the music of Elvis Presley. Just the technology you experience alone at his hotel is an experience you can't miss. 2. Bellagio Resort and Casino This magnificent hotel is world-renowned for its beauty and lavish amenities. Located on the Strip, people from every resort and casino come to the Bellagio just to see its water fountain show located out front with thousands of fountains set to dance to music and lights. Its Tuscan feel is set off by its beautiful landscape, extravagant dcor, hand-blown multi-colored glass, botanical conservatory, and a European pool. Plus, you can't leave without seeing the 928-room spa tower, various delicious restaurants, the Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art, Cirque du Soleil show, famous bars, and an indoor mall that features the best of the best in stores from Gucci and CHANEL to Tiffany and Co. This hotel truly has it all! 3. Encore Las Vegas Located on the strip, Encore's 2,034 suites range from 700-square-feet Resort Suites to 5,800-square-feet Tower Suites. Both this hotel and its sister hotel the Wynn have received more Forbes 5 star awards than any other hotel and casino in the world. This hotel boasts floor-to-ceiling windows, pillow-top beds featuring 100 percent Egyptian cotton and 310 thread-count linens, 42" or 46" flat-screen television featuring on-demand movies, state-of-the-art office equipment, one-touch climate control, a fully stocked mini bar, and in-room safes. Bathrooms include 19" flat-screen televisions, dual sinks, separate shower and soaking tub with separate water closets with telephones. Featuring five new restaurants including dining experiences from chefs Mark LoRusso and Larry Forgione, 11 retail outlets, an ultra-chic nightclub and a pampering spa and salon, this hotel is the epitome of luxury. 4. Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas Want a hotel that is close to the loud nightlife and casinos, yet offers an oasis of tranquility and peace and quiet when the day is done? If so, the Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas is the way to go. Offering 5 Star luxury accommodations, white-glove service, and elegant rooms, this hotel may not have a casino inside the hotel but at the south end of the Strip, their non-gaming sanctuary provides immediate access to the amenities of Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. Lounge all day by a tranquil pool, or renew at one of the best spas on the Strip, featuring signature spa treatments perfect for the dry weather. 5. Mandarin Oriental, Las Vegas Located in the new CityCenter development in the heart of the Las Vegas strip, this LEED Gold certified property has been Awarded the esteemed Triple A Five Diamond Award rating and the coveted Forbes Five-Star award for its 27,000-square feet Spa. This 47-story hotel also offers fine-dining, spectacular accommodations, first class fitness center and yoga studio. Their stylish pool deck has two lap pools, a plunge pool and Jacuzzi. There is also a Sky Bridge that connects guests to an adjacent retail and entertainment complex. Singles & Doubles $295-$545, Suites $1,145-$4,500 6. The Palazzo Resort Hotel Casino Connected to The Venetian and located right on the strip, is this 50-story all suite property with a modern European ambiance. The Palazzo was awarded the Triple A Five Diamond Award for 2010 and is the largest LEED certified building in the nation. It is reported to be the sixth largest building in the world in terms of available floor space and is also currently the second-largest building in the Western Hemisphere. Guest quarters range from 720 sq feet to 1,200 square feet with plush guest quarters varying in size from 720 to over 1,200 square-feet. Outfitted with every imaginable amenity, including sunken living room space, marble-appointed baths, and remote-controlled Roman curtains and shades, Palazzo's suites offer elegance and luxurious comfort. The Palazzo offers restaurants featuring some of the world's greatest chefs such as Emeril Lagasse, Wolfgang Puck, Carnevino and Mario Batali, to name a few. And not to be ignored is the hotel's Lamborghini Las Vegas, the second authorized dealer in the Las Vegas area, featuring displays of exotic automobiles from automakers including Lamborghini, Bugatti, Spyker, Saleen, and Koenigsegg. And last but not least, the hotel includes "The Shoppes at The Palazzo" featuring many high-end name stores and an 85,000 square feet Barney's New York, plus, Lavo, the hotels restaurant and lounge often frequented by celebrities. 7. Palms Casino Resort Probably one of the most televised and well-known hotels in Las Vegas is the Palms Casino Resort. This hotel is beyond trendy and hip and has rooms for every type of personality. Including hotel suites such as NBA VIP suites with seven-foot-tall doorways and eight-foot-long beds and basketball court, two bachelor party suites, the full-floor MTV Real World Suite, The Fantasy Tower-a playground with amenities to help guest fulfill their wildest dreams, the bowling suite complete with two regulation-size bowling lanes, the Hot Pink suite with everything pink, and the most popular of them all the Hugh Hefner Sky Villa, which has an outdoor Jacuzzi that juts out from the building, glass elevator, eight-foot round rotating bed and much more. The Palms also features some of the most popular night clubs and theaters in Las Vegas such as the three-story nightclub Rain, ghostbar featuring intimate seating, 12-foot floor-to-ceiling windows and an outdoor ghost deck, the infamous Playboy Club, the Pearl Concert Theater where there's not a bad seat in the house, and the 14-screen Brenden Cineplex movie theater which hosts major film festivals throughout the year. There's a three-story, 18,000-square-foot spa overlooking the swimming pools, Aliz restaurant located on the top floor with spectacular views of the Strip and surrounding mountains and the Palms Pool featuring 24 private luxury cabanas, and three bungalows that can be combined to create one big party atmosphere. 8. SKYLOFTS at MGM Grand If it is royal treatment you are looking for, then the SKYLOFTS at MGM Grand are perfect for you. A luxury boutique hotel located on the top two floors of Las Vegas' MGM Grand hotel, SKYLOFTS at MGM Grand boast expansive views of the Las Vegas skyline, personalized attention with their 24-hour butler service, preferred seating at top restaurants, luxurious bath amenities with infinity-edge spa tubs, and fine dining for the ultimate in luxury and impeccable taste. Guests here do not arrive in your everyday vehicles; they arrive in a Maybach limousine where upon arrival they are taken to a private elevator to the lobby at the top of the MGM Grand. 9. THEhotel at Mandalay Bay This $250 million, 43-story, all-suite tower hotel is nothing to scoff at. With the elegantly decorated and newly remodeled 1,117 ultra-spacious one- and two-bedroom suites tailored for a good night's sleep, you will have pillow topped beds, triple high-thread count sheets, warm textiles in pleasing tones and 42" plasma TVs creating the perfect environment for effortless relaxation. The hotel features a smoke-free 24-hour caf, a lounge with a billiards room, a very trendy Mix restaurant with a lounge that even has views from its restrooms, golf, 30,000 square foot world-class Spa, and North America's only predator-based aquarium and exhibit at Shark Reef Aquarium. 10. Trump International Hotel and Tower Las Vegas Towering high above the Las Vegas strip is none other than this 64-story luxury property rising 645 feet above the city. The 1,282 posh suites and 50 penthouse suites offer high-end services and amenities that are what you thought only existed in the movies. A Trump Attach is reserved for each guest, providing comprehensive business and personal services such as personal shopping and custom-stocked refrigerator and kitchen prior to arrival based on preferences. This non-gaming hotel focuses on relaxation and sophistication. Filled with gourmet dining, a spa and fitness center, and heated outdoor pool overlooking the city with full-service, semi-private cabanas, H2(EAU) serving cocktails and lighter American fare directly to your chaise. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6048403 hotel in last vegas hotel in las vegas hotel in las vegas nm hotel in las vegas with water park hotel in las vegas strip hotel in last vegas movie hotel in last vegas film hotel in las vegas new york hotel in las vegas cosmopolitan hotel in las vegas luxor hotel in las vegas mirage hotel in las vegas california hotel in las vegas map hotel in las vegas trump hotel in las vegas linq hotel in las vegas mgm hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas bellagio hotel in las vegas ballys hotel in las vegas wynn hotel in las vegas circus circus hotel in las vegas airport hotel in las vegas aria hotel in las vegas all inclusive hotel in las vegas the venetian hotel in las vegas the strip hotel in las vegas the orleans hotel in las vegas near airport hotel in las vegas with a roller coaster hotel transportation in las vegas airport venetian hotel in las vegas address hotel in las vegas without a casino excalibur hotel in las vegas address hotel in las vegas without a resort fee hotel las vegas a malaga hotel las vegas a hotel las vegas aliante hotel bellagio las vegas address hotel wynn las vegas address hotel bally's las vegas and casino hotel in las vegas attractions hotel in las vegas blvd hotel in las vegas boulevard hotel in las vegas booking hotel in las vegas by airport hotel in las vegas mandalay bay m hotel in las vegas buffet hotel in las vegas with best pool paris hotel in las vegas buffet hotel in las vegas with beach hotel rooms in las vegas bellagio wynn hotel in las vegas buffet hotel las vegas bangkok hotel in las vegas buchen hotel in las vegas best price largest hotel in las vegas by square foot largest hotel in las vegas by rooms hotel in las vegas with balcony hotel in las vegas with bowling alley hotel in las vegas cheap hotel in las vegas casino hotel in las vegas convention center hotel in las vegas caesars palace hotel in las vegas city center hotel in las vegas strip cheap hotel in las vegas without casino hotel rooms in las vegas cheap hotel in las vegas monte carlo best hotel in las vegas cheap www.hotel in las vegas.com hotel las vegas caesar palace caesar hotel las vegas hotel las vegas castle hotel las vegas cromwell hotel las vegas casino royale hotel las vegas catalonia hotel in las vegas downtown cheap hotel in las vegas downtown hotel las vegas delano hotel las vegas days inn hotel las vegas d hotel in las vegas discount hotel in las vegas demolished hotel in las vegas deal downtown las vegas hotel which hotel in las vegas does not charge resort fee cheapest hotel in las vegas downtown bellagio hotel in las vegas deals best hotel in las vegas downtown mirage hotel in las vegas deals hotel suites in las vegas deals luxor hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas with dolphins paris hotel in las vegas deals venetian hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas expedia hotel in las vegas excalibur hotel in las vegas encore hotel in las vegas with eiffel tower hotel las vegas en malaga hotel las vegas en maracaibo hotel las vegas en monteria hotel las vegas elara hotel las vegas en benidorm hotel las vegas ensenada hotel las vegas en salta hotel las vegas en termas de rio hondo hotel las vegas en salou hotel las vegas en burgos hotel las vegas el progreso yoro hotel las vegas eeuu hotel las vegas en cangas de morrazo hotel las vegas en benidor hotel las vegas empfehlung hotel las vegas en carlos paz hotel in las vegas for family hotel in las vegas for under 21 hotel in las vegas for sale hotel in las vegas for 18 years old hotel in las vegas flamingo hotel in las vegas for cheap hotel in las vegas fremont best hotel in las vegas for families best hotel in las vegas for family hotel suites in las vegas for cheap hotel in las vegas with free parking hotel in las vegas kid friendly hotel rooms in las vegas for cheap best hotel in las vegas for location best hotel in las vegas for pools hotel las vegas family friendly hotel las vegas famous hotel fremont las vegas transportation to hotel in las vegas from airport hotel mgm las vegas fotos

Iklan Tengah Artikel 1

Guide to Find Hotels in Las Vegas Las Vegas is one of the top holiday locations in the entire US. The Las Vegas Boulevard and the Strip are the streets with the highest density of superb hotels and world famous casinos. During the last years, the Las Vegas Hotels changed their profile. Today, most hotels are perfectly suited for families; they offer huge and comfortable Spa areas and animation for children. Many famous musical productions are shown every night in different theatres along the Strip. Although many dramatic changes happened during the last years, Las Vegas is still called The Sin City and it is the World Largest Gambling City. The only difference is that Las Vegas is offering its dream now to families instead of gamblers only. Las Vegas is world-wide known for its casinos; in Clark County gambling is legalized since 1931. But today Las Vegas is also known for its weddings. The large number of superb hotels and the simple wedding process make Las Vegas a paradise for young couples in love. Especially in summer time or on some special dates, the number of weddings is nearly unlimited. In the last years, more than 5% of the marriage ceremonies of the whole US were performed in the Clark County. The hotels at the Strip belong to the most known hotels in the world as well. There are numerous hotels which accomplish the highest hotel standards. The hotels at The Strip are the best but also the most expensive hotels in Las Vegas. There are plenty of alternative hotels in every price and luxury range. If you are looking for a silent place for you and your family, you should consider hotels apart from The Strip. In the last years, Las Vegas Downtown became an insider tip for beautiful vacation for families and gamblers. If you want to go to Vegas, you should plan your trip carefully. The choice of your Vegas hotel is very important for a successful vacation. After you set up your budget, you need to check different hotels which fit to your preferences. Especially in the off-season many highly rewarded hotels offer special discounts. A discount hotel does not automatically mean a low comfort vacation. In most cases, it stands for nice vacations at affordable costs. If you plan your trip to Las Vegas, you should think about all locations and attractions that you want to visit. Otherwise you might get completely lost on your first trip since the number of attractions is virtually unlimited. Although many people do not like to gamble, a trip to Las Vegas, without visiting one of the most famous casinos is not a real visit of Vegas. If you get lucky, you will have the chance to stay at a cheap hotel and win the jackpot in one of the world finest casinos. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2151050 hotel in last vegas hotel in las vegas hotel in las vegas nm hotel in las vegas with water park hotel in las vegas strip hotel in last vegas movie hotel in last vegas film hotel in las vegas new york hotel in las vegas cosmopolitan hotel in las vegas luxor hotel in las vegas mirage hotel in las vegas california hotel in las vegas map hotel in las vegas trump hotel in las vegas linq hotel in las vegas mgm hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas bellagio hotel in las vegas ballys hotel in las vegas wynn hotel in las vegas circus circus hotel in las vegas airport hotel in las vegas aria hotel in las vegas all inclusive hotel in las vegas the venetian hotel in las vegas the strip hotel in las vegas the orleans hotel in las vegas near airport hotel in las vegas with a roller coaster hotel transportation in las vegas airport venetian hotel in las vegas address hotel in las vegas without a casino excalibur hotel in las vegas address hotel in las vegas without a resort fee hotel las vegas a malaga hotel las vegas a hotel las vegas aliante hotel bellagio las vegas address hotel wynn las vegas address hotel bally's las vegas and casino hotel in las vegas attractions hotel in las vegas blvd hotel in las vegas boulevard hotel in las vegas booking hotel in las vegas by airport hotel in las vegas mandalay bay m hotel in las vegas buffet hotel in las vegas with best pool paris hotel in las vegas buffet hotel in las vegas with beach hotel rooms in las vegas bellagio wynn hotel in las vegas buffet hotel las vegas bangkok hotel in las vegas buchen hotel in las vegas best price largest hotel in las vegas by square foot largest hotel in las vegas by rooms hotel in las vegas with balcony hotel in las vegas with bowling alley hotel in las vegas cheap hotel in las vegas casino hotel in las vegas convention center hotel in las vegas caesars palace hotel in las vegas city center hotel in las vegas strip cheap hotel in las vegas without casino hotel rooms in las vegas cheap hotel in las vegas monte carlo best hotel in las vegas cheap www.hotel in las vegas.com hotel las vegas caesar palace caesar hotel las vegas hotel las vegas castle hotel las vegas cromwell hotel las vegas casino royale hotel las vegas catalonia hotel in las vegas downtown cheap hotel in las vegas downtown hotel las vegas delano hotel las vegas days inn hotel las vegas d hotel in las vegas discount hotel in las vegas demolished hotel in las vegas deal downtown las vegas hotel which hotel in las vegas does not charge resort fee cheapest hotel in las vegas downtown bellagio hotel in las vegas deals best hotel in las vegas downtown mirage hotel in las vegas deals hotel suites in las vegas deals luxor hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas with dolphins paris hotel in las vegas deals venetian hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas expedia hotel in las vegas excalibur hotel in las vegas encore hotel in las vegas with eiffel tower hotel las vegas en malaga hotel las vegas en maracaibo hotel las vegas en monteria hotel las vegas elara hotel las vegas en benidorm hotel las vegas ensenada hotel las vegas en salta hotel las vegas en termas de rio hondo hotel las vegas en salou hotel las vegas en burgos hotel las vegas el progreso yoro hotel las vegas eeuu hotel las vegas en cangas de morrazo hotel las vegas en benidor hotel las vegas empfehlung hotel las vegas en carlos paz hotel in las vegas for family hotel in las vegas for under 21 hotel in las vegas for sale hotel in las vegas for 18 years old hotel in las vegas flamingo hotel in las vegas for cheap hotel in las vegas fremont best hotel in las vegas for families best hotel in las vegas for family hotel suites in las vegas for cheap hotel in las vegas with free parking hotel in las vegas kid friendly hotel rooms in las vegas for cheap best hotel in las vegas for location best hotel in las vegas for pools hotel las vegas family friendly hotel las vegas famous hotel fremont las vegas transportation to hotel in las vegas from airport hotel mgm las vegas fotos

Iklan Tengah Artikel 2

The Versatile Casino Hotels of Las Vegas The hotels of Las Vegas enjoy a cult status all over the world. They are known for their grand appeal, warm staff and great hospitality. However, this does not mean that all the hotels of Vegas have the same thing to boast of. In fact it is in the variety of these hotels that the attraction of Vegas lies. Each hotel has a novel experience to offer. Each hotel has a unique USP and each hotel is charming in its own way. Below is a list of some of the hotels of Las Vegas with an account of their versatility- MGM- This awesome hotel offers the largest casino of Vegas, definitely a status that pulls in large crowds. Venetian- The casino here is one of the most elegant ones in the world. The hotel also stakes claim to offering the largest suites and rooms of Vegas. The fact that the hotel offers it guests not only a great fitness and shopping center but also the opportunity to take a gondola though the Thou Canal is highly appealing to tourists. Wynn Hotel- The pool side casino is to die for here. The golf course, the Ferrari Store, the designer showrooms and all such other jewels make this hotel one of the most expensive projects of Las Vegas. Definitely a must see for someone visiting Vegas Bellagio- The grand stove poker room here is not something one should miss. With new games like Paj Gow Fire Hook, Pai Gow Tiles, 3-Card Poker and Big Six added to the Treasure Island here, this one is a winner. The lovely spa here along with the book store makes this hotel worth visiting. Mandalay Resorts - The four seasons here are not to be missed at all. The Coral Reef lounge of this hotel is beautiful beyond belief and the casino here is very fashionable and attractive. Planet Hollywood- Apart from the humongous theater and the roof top pools that this hotel offers, the casino here is also a cut above the others. Paris Hotel- The sky painted ceilings here are definitely very attractive but the Le Club music couch in the casino adds a lovely touch to the gambling here. Excalibur- This hotel is a great one for those who are on a tight budget. There room fares here are very economical and the best part is the independent kid's floor that the hotel provides. El-'ksur- This unique pyramid shaped hotel is not one to be missed at all. The casino here is very intriguing and the Egyptian motifs add great appeal to the hotel. Creaser's Castle- The hotel has an almost iconic status in Las Vegas and the ancient Roman outfits and aura offered here is very interesting. Mirage- The green forest design of this hotel is awesome and the pool area with its plants and aquarium is a must see. New House of New York - This hotel reflects the Gotham City and right from Manhattan skyline, Empire State Edifice, Statue of Autonomy, Chrysler Edifice, Library and Brooklyn Bridge, everything can be found here. Flamingo- The hotel offers the best bird sanctuary in the region and therefore is a must see. There are several other hotels in Vegas and each one has its own attraction to offer to the guests. So no matter how many times you visit Vegas, it always has something new to offer you. 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Enjoy the Pleasures of Staying in Cheap Hotels in Las Vegas It is a myth that there are no cheap hotels in Las Vegas! Yes, it is a city which is full of glitz, glamour, style, class, luxury and entertainment, but that does not mean you have to spend a fortune for accommodation in the city. The city is a very popular tourist destination, not only with the USA, but with people from all parts of the world. Anybody who wants to have a good time for relaxing and rejuvenating during a vacation can head over to Vegas. They will not have to worry about spending too much money as well, since there are plenty of cheap accommodation facilities available in the city. Hotels in Las Vegas Vegas is a very popular destination for tourists and that is why, there are several hotels located in the city. The city has hotel accommodation facility for all types of travelers - the various types of hotels available are luxury hotels, deluxe hotels, theme hotels, budget hotels, cheap hotels etc. You will have to choose a hotel, depending on your budget and other requirements. If you are looking to explore the various nooks and corners of the city, taking a hotel in the city centre would be a good idea. However, if you are stopping over in the city for just a night, the airport hotels in Las Vegas would be a good choice. How to find cheap hotels in Las Vegas Finding a cheap hotel in Vegas, would not be difficult, if you know how to go about it. Taking a look at the list of cheap hotels in the city would be a good way to begin your search. The cheap hotels come laden with all types of facilities; you will have to decide which one you would prefer. Some of you might want to go and see a particular show, or go gambling or you would simply like to go around the city and soak up the atmosphere. Based on what you want to do, you will have to choose a cheap hotel, which provides you with all these facilities. If you are traveling with your family, it is suggested that you find a family friendly cheap hotel in Vegas and enjoy your stay in the city. Since the hotels give you affordable prices, it does not mean that you will not get good facilities during your stay. All the hotels have modern amenities to take care of any type of guest requirements. Some of the facilities available at the cheap hotels in the city include Casino, spa, bars, restaurants, themed garden, live entertainment, assortment of mouthwatering delicacies, fitness center, sauna, steam room, nightclubs etc. Just because you have less money to spend on accommodations, does not mean you have to miss out on a chance to enjoy various facilities available in the city; most of them are easily available within the hotel. List of cheap hotels in Las Vegas Listed here are some of the cheap hotels in Vegas. While looking for a cheap accommodation, you can consult this list. Plaza Hotel Hampton Inn Paris Las Vegas Super 8 Nellis Motel Circus Circus Hotel Riviera Hotel and Casino La Quinta Inn and Suites Tuscany Suites and Casino Best Western Nellis Motor Inn Atrium Suites Hotel Ambassador Strip Inn Travelodge Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites Excalibur Hotel and Casino Clarion Hotel and Suites Emerald Springs Embassy Suite Hotel and Convention Center Best Western Mardi Gras Suites and Casino Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4517827 hotel in last vegas hotel in las vegas hotel in las vegas nm hotel in las vegas with water park hotel in las vegas strip hotel in last vegas movie hotel in last vegas film hotel in las vegas new york hotel in las vegas cosmopolitan hotel in las vegas luxor hotel in las vegas mirage hotel in las vegas california hotel in las vegas map hotel in las vegas trump hotel in las vegas linq hotel in las vegas mgm hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas bellagio hotel in las vegas ballys hotel in las vegas wynn hotel in las vegas circus circus hotel in las vegas airport hotel in las vegas aria hotel in las vegas all inclusive hotel in las vegas the venetian hotel in las vegas the strip hotel in las vegas the orleans hotel in las vegas near airport hotel in las vegas with a roller coaster hotel transportation in las vegas airport venetian hotel in las vegas address hotel in las vegas without a casino excalibur hotel in las vegas address hotel in las vegas without a resort fee hotel las vegas a malaga hotel las vegas a hotel las vegas aliante hotel bellagio las vegas address hotel wynn las vegas address hotel bally's las vegas and casino hotel in las vegas attractions hotel in las vegas blvd hotel in las vegas boulevard hotel in las vegas booking hotel in las vegas by airport hotel in las vegas mandalay bay m hotel in las vegas buffet hotel in las vegas with best pool paris hotel in las vegas buffet hotel in las vegas with beach hotel rooms in las vegas bellagio wynn hotel in las vegas buffet hotel las vegas bangkok hotel in las vegas buchen hotel in las vegas best price largest hotel in las vegas by square foot largest hotel in las vegas by rooms hotel in las vegas with balcony hotel in las vegas with bowling alley hotel in las vegas cheap hotel in las vegas casino hotel in las vegas convention center hotel in las vegas caesars palace hotel in las vegas city center hotel in las vegas strip cheap hotel in las vegas without casino hotel rooms in las vegas cheap hotel in las vegas monte carlo best hotel in las vegas cheap www.hotel in las vegas.com hotel las vegas caesar palace caesar hotel las vegas hotel las vegas castle hotel las vegas cromwell hotel las vegas casino royale hotel las vegas catalonia hotel in las vegas downtown cheap hotel in las vegas downtown hotel las vegas delano hotel las vegas days inn hotel las vegas d hotel in las vegas discount hotel in las vegas demolished hotel in las vegas deal downtown las vegas hotel which hotel in las vegas does not charge resort fee cheapest hotel in las vegas downtown bellagio hotel in las vegas deals best hotel in las vegas downtown mirage hotel in las vegas deals hotel suites in las vegas deals luxor hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas with dolphins paris hotel in las vegas deals venetian hotel in las vegas deals hotel in las vegas expedia hotel in las vegas excalibur hotel in las vegas encore hotel in las vegas with eiffel tower hotel las vegas en malaga hotel las vegas en maracaibo hotel las vegas en monteria hotel las vegas elara hotel las vegas en benidorm hotel las vegas ensenada hotel las vegas en salta hotel las vegas en termas de rio hondo hotel las vegas en salou hotel las vegas en burgos hotel las vegas el progreso yoro hotel las vegas eeuu hotel las vegas en cangas de morrazo hotel las vegas en benidor hotel las vegas empfehlung hotel las vegas en carlos paz hotel in las vegas for family hotel in las vegas for under 21 hotel in las vegas for sale hotel in las vegas for 18 years old hotel in las vegas flamingo hotel in las vegas for cheap hotel in las vegas fremont best hotel in las vegas for families best hotel in las vegas for family hotel suites in las vegas for cheap hotel in las vegas with free parking hotel in las vegas kid friendly hotel rooms in las vegas for cheap best hotel in las vegas for location best hotel in las vegas for pools hotel las vegas family friendly hotel las vegas famous hotel fremont las vegas transportation to hotel in las vegas from airport hotel mgm las vegas fotos